Business Registrations

Partnership Registration

Forming a Partnership Firm in India

In India, a partnership firm is a well-established business structure that allows two or more individuals to collaborate and operate a business venture. It provides a flexible and streamlined approach to establishing a business compared to other options.

What is a Partnership Firm?

A partnership firm is a business entity formed by an agreement between two or more individuals (partners) to carry on a business and share profits and losses. The Indian Partnership Act, 1932, governs the formation and operation of partnership firms in India.

Benefits of a Partnership Firm

  • Easy to Form: Compared to Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), partnerships are easier and faster to establish with minimal formalities.
  • Profit Sharing: Partners share profits and losses according to their pre-determined agreement, offering flexibility in profit distribution.
  • Management Flexibility: Partners have the freedom to manage the business as per their expertise and can easily adapt decision-making processes.

Documents Required for Formation

Documents Required

    • Name and address of the firm and all partners.
    • Nature of business.
    • Capital contribution by each partner.
    • Profit/loss sharing ratio.

How we can help you in Partnership Formation

  1. Draft and finalize the Partnership Deed.
  2. Obtain PAN Card for the firm.
  3. Register with ROF in different states
  4. Apply for GST, TAN, IEC
  5. Apply for Trademark

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