Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration

A Trademark refers to a recognizable phrase, word, symbol, name, design, image, or combination of these that denotes a particular product & legally differentiates it from all other products. In simple terms, a Trademark identifies a product as belonging to a particular company & recognizes the Company’s ownership of the brand. Trademarks are usually considered a type of IP (Intellectual Property) & may/may not be registered. Trademarks & its rights are safeguarded by the Trademark Act, 1999. To get the protection of Trademark Rights one has to register the Trademark. It’s vital to get Trademark Registration Online done because it prevents others from copying your Trademark & misrepresenting other products with your mark. Ease compliance will help you to give a unique legal identity of your product.
Benefits of Trademark Registration

Documents required

Documents required
- Copy of Aadhar Card
- Copy of PAN Card
- MSME Certificate (if any)
- Incorporation Certificate (COI) (In case of Company and LLP only)
Why Ease Compliance for Trademark Registration?
1: We conduct a thorough Trademark Search of the TM Directory;
2: We prepare the Authorization Letter, so our experts can file for Registration on your behalf;
3: Our experts or lawyers guide you with the Trademark Classes you need to apply under;
4: Our experts will file & apply with the Trademark Registrar;
5: We constantly provide you with updates until the process is complete.
Validity of Trademark Registration
In India, all registered Trademarks are valid for 10 years from the date of Trademark Registration Online. At the end of the validity, a Trademark can be renewed by simply giving the Government fee for the Registration within 6 months through Form TM-12 from the date of expiry of the Trademark. An expired Trademark can be renewed via Form-13 (Restoration & Renewal) after 6 months & within 1 year from the expiration of the last Trademark Registration Online.